Lodge Chief: Nick S

Responsibilities: Presides over regular and special meetings of the lodge and the Lodge Executive Committee. Responsible for the proper functioning of the lodge. Shall appoint Committee Chairmen. Shall be a member ex officio of all lodge operating committees. Shall coordinate the functioning of all other lodge officers.

Lodge Advisor: Sean Hauser

Contact: 564advisor@gmail.com

Lodge Vice Chief Administration: Lola S

Responsibilities: In the absence of the Lodge Chief, the Lodge Vice-chief for Administration shall preside over and be responsible
for the proper functioning of the lodge and of the Lodge Executive Committee. Shall perform other duties as so directed by the Lodge Chief.

Administration Advisor: Alyson Connor

Contact: alysonconnor95@gmail.com

Lodge Vice Chief Program: Peyton W

Responsibilities: In the absence of the Lodge Chief and the Lodge Vice-Chief for Administration shall preside over and be
responsible for the proper functioning of the lodge and the Lodge Executive Committee. Shall perform other duties as so directed by the Lodge Chief.

Program Advisor: Andy Hitchcock

Contact: murdock717@gmail.com

Lodge Vice Chief Inductions: Adam B

Responsibilities: In the absence of the Lodge Chief, Lodge Vice-Chief for Administration, Lodge Vice-Chief for Program shall preside over and be responsible for the proper functioning of the lodge and the Lodge Executive Committee. Shall perform other duties as so directed by the Lodge Chief.

Inductions Advisor: Sylvia Schulz

Contact: schulz.frog@gmail.com

Lodge Secretary: William M

Responsibilities: Shall record and maintain accurate minutes of lodge meetings. Shall record and maintain accurate minutes and attendance of Lodge Executive Committee Meetings. Shall work directly with the Lodge Membership and Publication Committees. Shall perform other duties as so directed by the Lodge Chief.

Secretary Advisor: Lori Laumeyer

Contact: Lori.laumeyer@scouting.org

Lodge Treasurer: Douglas M

Responsibilities: Shall maintain accurate records of all monies of the lodge, including dues. Shall give a financial report at all Lodge Executive Committee Meetings. Shall supervise and work directly with the Lodge Finance Committee. Shall perform all other duties his office may require as directed by the Lodge Chief.

Treasurer Advisor: Kristie Sansbury

Contact: oakristiesansbury@gmail.com

Lodge Historian: Nathaniel B

Responsibilities: Shall maintain an accurate records, both written and pictorial, of the lodge. Shall maintain the Lodge King’s Cup display and be responsible for showing it at Scouting events. Shall perform all other duties his office may require as directed by the Lodge Chief.

Historian Advisor: 



Chapter Chiefs

Responsibilities: Organizes and leads Chapter Meetings, activities and events.  Represents the chapters at the Lodge Executive Council Meetings. 

Oscen Tustenuggee

Chief: Daniel G

Advisor: Grace Townsend

Contact: graceetownsend@gmail.com

Yaha Hajo

Chief: Bea A

Advisor: Christine Parent

Contact: cmparen@gmail.com

Tukosee Mathla

Chief: Joanna F

Advisor: Gene McMullen

Contact: gmnfmfd@gmail.com

Hvlpatah Tastanagi

Chief: Jessie M

Advisor: Denise Colman

Contact: deni68@comcast.net




The Membership Committee is the committee in charge of Lodge Member’s Information. They create, update, and maintain current members information and make sure that everything is up to date in Lodgemaster. If you like connecting people, this is the Committee for you! The Committee is responsible for manning the Check-In table at each event. They are also in charge of transferring and updating information into Lodgemaster regarding event registration and attendance.


  • Responsible for handing out membership cards to all dues-paid members. 
  • Maintains and Update Lodge Membership Database. 
  • Import Unit Election candidate information list from Unit Elections Committee. 
  • Process all transfer forms and ensure our new members get a membership card. 
  • Yearly dues bill sent to members.
  • Distributes Chapter membership lists to Chapters. 
  • Provides Brotherhood eligible lists.
  • Check in all members at Lodge Events
  • Responsible for registration at all Lodge Events. 

Youth Committee Chair:

Adult Advisor: Alec Ronald

OA Representatives: 

The Committee runs the OA Representative chat and gives information to OA Reps to pass on to their troops. They are the link between the Lodge and the Troops, and spread information regarding upcoming events.


  • Compiling and updating Unit’s youth and adult OA Troop Representative contact information
  • Establish a strong communications link to each of the OA troop Representatives
  • Acts as a liaison between individuals and lodge
  • Can assist in unit election process

Youth Committee Chair:

Adult Advisor: 

Unit Elections: 

The Unit Elections Committee consists of many members, they are the ones that visit troops and conduct the elections. To get on this committee you should discuss with your chapter chief or chapter adviser. This committee is only in operation during the Election process from October – November.


The responsibilities listed are for the Committee Chair not the Committee member 

  • Holds Lodge Unit Elections training before beginning of Unit Elections period. 
  • Creates and distributes Chapter Unit Elections Packets.
  • Scoutmaster/Committee Chairman Letter Mailing. 
  • Utilize resources for OA Information.
  • Collects and tallies Unit Election Forms from Chapters and ensures originals go to the Lodge Adviser after the database is sent to Membership Committee.
  • Coordinate with Troop Representative.
  • Gets approved adult list from Lodge Adviser.
  • Final list provided to the Membership committee at close of elections.
  • Responsible for ensuring all elections are completed by close date. 
  • Handles any and all Unit Election issues in coordination with the Adviser.


Youth Committee Chair:

Adult Advisor: 


The Committee is responsible for developing plans for and carrying out the Lodge activities. Types of Lodge activities that are under this committee are Non-service activities during Fellowship weekends, such as games and campfires.


  • Plans the Annual Banquet of the Lodge
  • Plans and runs the various games and leisure activities for Fellowships

Youth Committee Chair: Mac S

Adult Advisor: Ben Schulz

Camping Promotions:

One of the more interesting Committee Chairs within our Lodge that gets the Lodge pumped up about camping! Their primary focus is to get Units aware of upcoming camps, promote high adventure, and attend summer camp trade shows. They are also responsible for creating and distributing the Where to Go Camping Book. Responsibilities  

  • Update, maintain, and distribute the Lodge’s “Where to go camping” guide. 
  • Responsible for Troop Camp Promotion Visits. 
  • Promote year round camping at all Lodge and Council events.
  • Promote high adventure programs at all Lodge and Council events.
  • Promote camping awards. (Below zero, Camping Award Ribbon). 
  • Administer camping demos and training.
  • Distributes year-long camp promotional material. 

Youth Committee Chair: 

Adult Advisor: Jason Wolfe


The Lodge Service Committee Members are the ones that make sure all the “hard work” gets done at camp. They organize all service projects and make sure that they are completed.


  • Work with Camp Rangers to create a project list for every Lodge Event
  • Request tools from members prior to the event.
  • Maintains any tools/equipment owned by the Lodge. 
  • Ensure proper required supervision or skill is present at projects. 
  • Talk to both Rangers prior and during service events. 
  • Maintain special skills list. 
  • Organize special service weekends at council camps.
  • Responsible for maintaining a log of service hours from the Lodge throughout the entire year and presenting an electronic report. 
  • Attend Council Properties Committee meetings.

Youth Committee Chair: Nathaniel B

Adult Advisor: Darren Watkins


This is the perfect committee for you if you are interested in Native American dress and performing the solemn ceremonies of the Order


  • Recruits and trains ceremonial teams
  • Instructs members on ceremonial attire
  • Keeps ceremonial grounds in good condition
  • Is responsible for Call-Out, Pre-Ordeal, Ordeal, Brotherhood and Rededication ceremonies

Youth Committee Chair: Jesse M

Adult Advisor: 

American Indian Activities:

This is the perfect committee for you if you are interested in Native American dress and performing


  • Drum
  • Dance

Youth Committee Chair: Jesse M

Adult Advisor: Bradley Walters

  • Runs the Extended Elangomat Program
  • Plans the brotherhood review class and walk

Youth Committee Chair: Jake S

Adult Advisor: 


The Publications Committee is in charge of creating, editing, and printing most of the Publications that come from Osceola Lodge. This is the Lodge’s official newsletter that gets sent out four times a year. This committee is run by the Lodge Secretary, and is also involved with publishing the Lodge Plan Book. For those of you who like working with the written word, the Publications Committee is for you. The Web & Social Media Committee’s primary role is the Lodge’s Website and Social Media pages. They make sure that everything on the Lodge’s site is up to date and post content as needed. They also send out alerts and event flyers on the Lodge’s various  Social Media platforms.


  • Publish 4 Lodge newsletters per year.
  • Publish special event fliers at least 2 month before the event.
  • Gets updated address list from Membership Committee before each mailing. 
  • Write and gather articles from chapters and committees.
  • Collect pictures from Lodge Historian. 
  • Publish article in Council Newsletter.
  • Updates and Hands out Lodge Information pamphlets.
  • Update, maintain, and innovate the Lodge's website on a regular basis.
  • Maintains web hosting service.
  • Maintains domain name registration.
  • Update and maintain Calendar, Officers link, and all other pages.
  • Advertise events to members through the Social Media pages.

Youth Committee Chair: William M

Adult Advisor: Luke Hitchcock


The Finance Committee is great to help the Lodge’s economy. They bring in money through the Lodge Box. It is led by the Lodge Treasurer. If you want to see exactly how our Lodge’s money comes and goes, this may be a perfect job for you!


  • Ensure we maintain a profit on each item sold to achieve a yearly budgeted profit target. 
  • Provide an income report of each event at each Lodge Executive Board meeting.
  • Responsible for Dues collection.

Youth Committee Chair: Douglas M

Adult Advisor: Kristie Sansbury

Kings Cup: 


The Kings Cup committee is a great representation of the lodge to the council and section.

  • Maintains and displays the lodge Kings cup at fellowships
  • Competes in the kings cup competitions at section conference

Youth Committee Chair: Nathaniel B

Adult Advisor: 


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1801 Boy Scout Drive, Fort Myers, FL 33907
239.936.8072 Fax 239.936.7864

Copyright 2009 - 2019 Southwest Florida Council , Boy Scouts of America. All rights reserved.

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