The Learning for Life Corporation offers seven programs designed to support schools and community-based organizations in their efforts to prepare youth to successfully handle the complexities of contemporary society and to enhance their self-confidence, motivation, and self-esteem. The seven programs focus on character education and career education. Learning for Life programs help youth develop social and life skills, assist in character development and help youth formulate positive personal values. It prepares youth to make ethical decisions that will help them achieve their full potential. There are two program methods. We have six school-based programs and one worksite-based program.

Adults involved in Learning for Life are selected by the organization in which they work (i.e., schools, local businesses, community organizations). Race, religion, gender, sexual orientation, ethnic background, economic status, and citizenship are not criteria for participation in Learning for Life.

At a time when drugs and gangs are ravaging many of our schools and communities, Learning for Life programs can be a catalyst to help stop this trend. The program uses age-appropriate, grade-specific lesson plans to give youth skills and information that will help them cope with the complexities of today’s society.

Learning for Life makes academic learning fun and relevant to real-life situations in age-appropriate and grade-specific material. As a result, the positive character traits and skills learned by participation in Learning for Life not only make students more confident and capable but also give them an invaluable understanding of how things work in the real world. School and community demands for character education and career education programs have greatly influenced the dramatic growth of Learning for Life. Learning for Life has been adopted by more than 17,000 schools and organizations nationwide, serving over 1.5 million youth.

Read how Learning for Life has made a difference in the lives of youth, both from the youth and educators by downloading:  Making a Difference.

Educators from the School Board to Elementary and Middle Schools in Lee County believe and endorse the Learning for Life program.  Read their Letters of Support.

What is the Learning for Life curriculum?

How the Learning for Life program helps Special Needs students.



Ruth Fansler

Proud Sponsor Partner


Proud Supporters of Scouting

1801 Boy Scout Drive, Fort Myers, FL 33907
239.936.8072 Fax 239.936.7864

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Proud Partners of Learning for Life and Scouting